Easy appetizer that anyone can make! Can be served as an hor d'oeuvre or a side dish...
Asparagus (you might need to buy two bags of asparagus for this dish)
Apple smoked bacon (1 lbs-10 pieces)
Maple syrup (enough to drizzle on top)
Preheat oven to 425º F
Make sure your asparagus is washed and cleaned.
Prepare a baking pan with parchment paper.
Grab about 6 asparagus and 1 bacon. Wrap the bacon around the asparagus bunch. Continue until you make 10 of them, using up all the bacon.
Drizzle the top of the bacon wrapped asparagus with maple syrup.
S+P to taste.
Bake for about 25-30 minutes (make sure the bacon doesn't burn).
Pofta Buna!