Bruschetta is an easy, tasty, healthy and a beautiful dish to make and eat! Enjoy this easy recipe...
1 French bread baguette (If you are Vegan make sure that your French Baguette is Vegan)
3 large heirloom tomatoes
5 garlic cloves
1 tsp dried oregano
handful of basil
1 tbs roasted pine nuts
4 tbs olive oil
1 tbs balsamic glaze
Preheat oven to 400º F
Slice the french baguette in short medium pieces (you should have about 24-26 pieces).
In a small bowl mix 2 tbs of olive oil, 3 minced garlic cloves, 1 tsp dried oregano and S+P. Mix well together.
Place the sliced pieces of bread flat on a pan with parchment paper.
Brush the garlic olive oil mixture on each piece of bread.
Bake for 5-7 min (keep in eye so the bread doesn't burn or else it will become too crispy)
*When the bread is done, take out of oven and place on a serving plate*
Dice the tomatoes and place in a bowl.
Add finely diced garlic to the tomatoes.
Cut up the basil or you can just tear the leaves in small pieces and add straight to the tomato mixture.
Add 2 tbs of olive oil
*Mix all the ingredients together in the bowl.
*Add the tomato mixture using a large spoon on top of each piece of toast.
*Add the pine nuts on top of the bruschetta dish.
*Drizzle balsamic glaze.
Pofta Buna!